About Drive

Who We Are

Drive is powered by Connected Nation Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit and leading technology organization committed to supporting the adoption of high-speed Internet and associated technologies. Connected Nation effectively raises awareness of the value of broadband and related technologies by developing coalitions of influencers and enablers for improving technology access, adoption, and use.

Connected Nation is committed to building a common understanding about the importance and relevance of technology in digital learning, enhancing excellence in new technology adopters, and enabling individuals to improve their lives through technological exposure. The resulting programs and tactics are designed to empower people to adopt and use technology effectively.

The Problem

According to the FCC, 66 million people in the U.S. lack basic digital literacy skills. In addition, fifteen percent, or approximately 10.4 million people who do not adopt broadband, say that a lack of digital literacy skills is the main reason they do not subscribe to broadband.

Connected Nation is committed to expanding digital learning and has established several programs to help with this goal. Such programs include Computers 4 Kids, No Child Left Offline, Connect Equestrian View, and Every Community Online. These programs have provided training for over 120,000 individuals, supplied computers to over 30,000 communities, and brought awareness to the importance of technology for serving communities.

Announcing Drive

As online training gains momentum with sweeping changes in the way people learn, Connected Nation offers an easy, self-paced solution for learners. Drive is an innovative online learning platform that allows Connected Nation and other training partners to deliver basic and advanced technology training to vulnerable populations. Additionally, this platform will support the learning process by providing tools that allow individualized student plan development, student and progress tracking, assessments, and rewarding achievements (certification and badging).