C - Career Readiness

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In this module you will review the four most common interview questions and prepare your responses. Then you will have the opportunity to put your responses into action when you complete an online virtual orientation (and self assess your performance).

You will complete a Resume Writing module and choose a template to write your resume rough draft.  Then your facilitator will work with you to finalize your resume and establish long term career goals. 

After completing Cover Letter mods, you will create a generic cover letter.  Your facilitator will work with you to finalize your cover letters in preparation for the upcoming application process.

You will wrap up Phase Two by learning the importance of networking, creating your own LinkedIn account, and completing mods that will prepare you for online application.  

Course Goals/Objectives

The Interview Skills Workshop is focused on three parts of training:
  • Interview Basics review (4 of the most common interview questions)
  • Interview Skills Module
  • Virtual Interviews
Resume Building will help you create your telework resume:
  • Resume Basics (reviews sections of a resume)
  • Resume Writing Module
  • Select Template - Write your resume rough draft
  • Edit Resume
  • Finalize resume with facilitator
Cover Letter creation:
  • Cover Letter Basics (Parts of a cover letter)
  • Cover Letter Module
  • Select a Template - write your cover letter
  • Finalize cover letters with facilitator
Networking and Applications Mods:
  • Learn about the importance of networking
  • Create your LinkedIn account
  • Review Job Application handouts and complete application modules
  • Prepare to apply for entry level customer service positions

Publisher Website: http://www.gcflearnfree.org/